SaaS Subscription Model Content Optimization Rules

Content Optimization Rules You Can’t Afford to Break

If you are planning on becoming a content writer or starting a content writing business, then you should know that there are rules that you have to follow and some rules that you can’t afford you break if you want to pursue a career in this field. Today’s resource is going to be all about the content optimization tips and the rules that you cannot break no matter what.

Content for a website is written by keeping in mind certain guidelines and writing factors, and if you are not following them, there is no chance that you can easily get your content indexed or ranked for that matter.

Now you must know that knowing about content writing and getting into this business is not that easy nor is a simple job. Writing requires a lot of practice and years of skills to optimize your content and to know about the rules you have to be in this business for years, and now you don’t need to worry about the different rules and factors.

That you have to take care of while writing content as today we would be telling you about the different and top rules on the basis of our experience in the field so if you are interested in making an error-free and search engine friendly content then we would suggest you to read the content till the end!

Top content optimization rules that you have to follow!

Here are the top rules that you cannot break while you are opting for better optimization!

Competitive keywords should not be ignored

Keywords are the backbone of search engines and content optimization, and this is why experts always focus on keywords and their perfect use. You should know that if you think that writing good quality content along without keywords can help you in SEO, then you are totally wrong as we will like you to know that content without keywords would not even be indexed let alone if we talk about its ranking positions.

Check plagiarism of research papers

You should know that whenever you are writing new content, you should make sure that you are using one main keyword and a few secondary ones in the content stuffed under a certain ratio. Tools like keyword planner by google and keyword finder by can help you get the relative list of keywords.

Also, know that checking the ranking of keywords is very much important so that you can use the most competitive of them all, you can easily check keyword ranking with the help of the keyword rank checker by SERP

Never publish a content having plagiarism in it

This is a very important rule that you should never ignore as it can result in not only rejection of a single content but also the complete website or domain for that matter. One of the biggest factors in content optimization and ranking is that the content submitted should be unique and free of all kinds of plagiarism may it be intentional or unintentional.

We want you to know that it’s important that you use a plagiarism checker every time you create content and are ready for submitting it with the search engine. There are many plagiarism detectors on the web today, but you should use the free plagiarism checker by so that you can scan duplication and can also get rid of it.

A content writer should never forget or ignore the use of a worthy plagiarism checker!

Focus on content quality

Now you should know that writing good quality content is very much important for a website and is also a very important ranking factor. Google would only love and rank content if you are publishing it in good quality. A spammy and artificial-looking content can never reach the top shelves, and you should be crystal about it.

You must know that people usually ignore this rule by using modern technology and tools running under the banner of article spinners or paraphrasing tools. You should know that if you are not a professional writer, then it is important that you take help from professional tools instead of stealing content and spinning it.

Grammarly is an important writing tool that can help you improve the quality of your content by fixing the minor and major problems in the content. You should know that with Grammarly you can know how to deliver the content in the clearest and concise way along with learning new vocabulary, the right use of grammar.

And also the right use of punctuation which is very much important whereas the quality of the content is concerned. You must know that you should never compromise on the quality of the content if you want to touch the top ranks!

Hope you remember these content optimization rules and optimize your content on your blog.

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  1. No doubt, You have shared a big rule to optimise content and told how to the right use of grammar.

  2. very good article Content Optimization Rules You Can’t Afford to Break, Good work website is good work job

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