A White Label SEO Audit tool generates an audit report for any site in just a few clicks. A company can make its own branding by developing the logo, company name, contact email address and sharing it with customers. The developed report carries the key information that will make the website better. White label SEO audit tools are very important to increase the effort of SEO services.
SEO professionals most important need is an efficient white label SEO audit tool. The main goal of a white label SEO audit tool is to arrange the website in a self sufficient way, where customers can find all services under one roof!
In this article we will discuss on different dimensions of white label audit tools such as,
- What is white label SEO audit tool
- How white label SEO audit tools work
- Benefits of using white label SEO audit tools in work
- Suggestion for the best white label SEO audit tool
Table of Contents
What is white label SEO audit tool:
White label SEO audit tools work to spread the range of SEO services, which a company can present to clients in a custom branded way, without developing new tools, reporting sites, or functionality of the site.
White label SEO tool provides following options,
- Branding a tool as the following company’s own tool
- Without manufacturing the tool from the company, providing SEO services to clients
- Working towards optimizing the website
Branding a tool as a company’s own tool:
This is one of the vital functionalities of a white label SEO audit tool, branding a tool as the company’s own tool, like
- Modifying logo
- Modifying company name
- Adding contact info of that company
- Customizing header and footer
Without manufacturing the tool from the company, providing SEO services to clients:
The company may be good at designing websites, or developing the advertising site, embedding a white label SEO reporting tool in the website or inheriting a white label SEO audit tool for the website easily brings SEO service on board for the website. So without manufacturing or developing tools, a company or the SEO professional can provide SEO services to clients.
Working towards optimizing the website:
Actually, the main target of a white label SEO audit tool is the ultimate optimization of a website it is working for. The functionalities of a SEO audit tool to optimize the website are-
- Reviewing every page and sorting every data of a website
- Providing data driven and detailed reports
- Providing analytical reports that give up-to-date recommendations
How white label SEO audit tools work:
The procedures of working of a white label SEO audit are written below with suitable explanation:
Setting up auditing service for individual company or individual SEO professionals:
A definite white label SEO audit tool provides auditing services for a individual organisation or SEO professional by:
- Analysing the website and making a report
- Analytical report providing logo of that respective company or professional one
- Any mistakes done by the site or professional sorted out by the tool
Generating a complete white label SEO report for SEO professionals:
White label SEO audit tool has collections of multi functionary tools, from them, white label SEO tool is the most important to gear up the SEO service of a website. How a white label SEO reporting tool does the activities for a site are mentioned below:
- Aggregate data from multiple sources
- Visualize those aggregated data
- Gives description about website’s performance

Image 1: Running Technical SEO Audit by SEO Audit software
A very useful white label SEO audit tool, SEO Audit Software generates reports for a website in this image, where the URL of a page and keyword have to be put in the mentioned boxes of the audit tool. Here, the URL of chaldal.com was given to be audited and getting reported by the white label SEO audit tool.

Image 2: A part of SEO reporting generated by SEO Audit Software
Here is an image of a part of the report provided by the SEO audit tool. Here the tool has screened every page of the website and found some shortages which may create problems in optimizing the website. Such as:
- Title tag of chaldal.com is more than 70 characters
- Meta description of the website is less than 100 character
So sorting out technical problems and embedding those problems in an analytical report gives the website to re-correct the mistake and gear up the quality of the web page. This is how a white label audit tool helps a professional or SEO agency from delivering a detailed white label SEO report.
Benefits of using white label SEO audit tools in work
White label SEO audit tool is a kind of doctor to a website, which follows up the website’s condition as a doctor checks his/her patient’s condition. So if there are any lacking or mistakes in the website which is being an obstacle to rank up in the server, a white label SEO audit tool detects the shortage and cover up by it’s services.
Some benefits of white label SEO audit tools are pointed in the article for clear overview:
Generating lead without any difficulties:
White label SEO Lead Generation tool helps a website to create gated content, such as:
- By adding couple of lines code on a website a white label SEO audit tool is embedded in that website
- A white label audit tool then make collaboration with content writer, graphics designer, website expert
- Without sparing time, then the tool generates gated contents and services for generating the lead of the website
Reduction of the cost:
Using a white label SEO audit tool reduces the cost of providing SEO services, such as,
- In spite of expenditure on different features, white label SEO audit tool sums up all features of SEO services together
- Facilitating the options under one white label SEO audit software decreases the expenditure for a company
- This is how white label SEO audit tool is also economic for using for SEO professionals
Providing White Label SEO Reporting Tool:
- White label SEO audit tool generates more particular white label seo report for a website
- White label SEO report tool generates analytical reports for a site
- Every pages, images, headings and most used words of a website are audited when making report by the white label SEO tool
Solution and Recommendation:
- White label SEO audit tools can sort out the problems of a website immediately
- Gives right recommendation based on logic
- Provides data to take contemporary decisions for the professionals
For example, how white label SEO audit tool works for a website, here is an image, where the website Daraz is audited from a free white label SEO audit tool, SEO Audit Software, let’s see the image,

Image 3: Part of white label SEO report done by SEO Audit Software
This image shows some analysis which is done by the white label SEO reporting tool of SEO Audit Software, they are
- The report is showing the score of Daraz.com, which is 80, which means Daraz is a quite SEO friendly website.
- The report shows that the page is quite fast, and really appreciating.
- The number of the file request is 25, which is not bulky for the server, and that is why it is acceptable
- The size of the page of this website is quite acceptable
So as we can see, we easily got an analytical review through the reporting tool of a white label SEO tool. If there are mistakes, the tool can sort them out and suggest ways to minimize mistakes. This is how a white label SEO audit tool works for the benefit of a SEO agency, or for a SEO professional.
Suggestion for the best white label SEO audit tools:
There are many white label SEO audit tools who also provide free audit services for some days after signing up into their websites, But in this article I would try to suggest the best white label SEO audit tools who not only give free services for a definite time but also deliver relevant and informative analytical white label SEO report for SEO agencies and SEO professionals.
Here are some suggested white label SEO audit tools-
My Site Auditor:

Image 4: MySiteAuditor logo
MySiteAuditor is very popular among the white label SEO audit tools, because of course it has a free trial version to have feedback about a website. But this tool also checks the blogs of websites also.
Benefits of using MySiteAuditor:
- The software’s generated data are aligned with the google ranking algorithm
- Provides free audits for websites
- Provides the pdf file of generated report of a website
SE Ranking:

Image 5: Logo of the software
Reasons for why SEO professionals and agencies should choose this white label audit tool-
- A website can use it’s domain name
- Does not require any hosting from the user while running this tool for the user’s website.
- A professional can change the colour chrome of the derived report from this white label SEO audit tool.
- This tool also provides a pdf file of it’s generated report made from auditing the site.
- SE ranking shares it’s white label SEO reporting of a website through the website’s mail id.
Web CEO:

Image 6: Logo of Web CEO
This white label SEO audit tool is very popular among marketing agencies for it’s rebranding facility. Benefits of using Web CEO white label SEO tool are:
- Provides custom domain configuration
- Provides cloud based SEO tools
- Has options of live SEO report for any time
- Reselling options of the tool to other agencies

Image 7: Logo of Woorank
WooRank provides digital and excellently composed recommendations for agencies and professionals. Benefits of using Woorank as a white label SEO audit tool:
- Audit data can be downloaded as slides or pdf files.
- Comparing data sources to woorank’s database of other sites.
- Presents highly detailed audits.

Image 8: Logo of SEOptimer
SEOptimer presents their white label SEO audit tool which works for agencies, SEO professionals and beginners. The range of audit tools is really wide and easy to use.
Advantages of using SEOptimer to audit a website are:
- The tool is user friendly for beginners.
- Provides users right keywords and meta tags.
- Displays report with customized brands.
- White label SEO reporting is displayed through pdf files.
SEO Audit Software:

Image 9: Logo of SEO Audit Software
Last but not the least, of course this is one of the most preferable white label SEO audit tools for SEO agencies and SEO professionals. The availability and easy conducting options of this SEO audit tool are really reachable and affordable for any website owner and freelancers.
Why a professional or an marketing agency should prefer this tool:
- Because this white label SEO audit tool provides white label SEO reporting tool completely free.
- Upto 14 days a professional can have free white label SEO reports under his/her brand name.
- After the 14 days opportunity, still the professional or a website can generate a non-branded report by using SEO Audit Software with limited functionality.
- SEO Audit Software offers very cost efficient packages for all SEO professionals, companies and freelancers. You can definitely get back to the Software’s white label SEO audit tool by subscribing to any one of the packages which are budget-friendly as well.
Benefits of using SEO Audit Software for White label SEO audit:
Let’s compare the costs of different packages of some other white label SEO audit tools with SEO Audit Software’s white label SEO audit tool,
Table 1: Prices of Beginners’ Packages from several SEO audit tools
White label SEO Audit Tools Packages for Freelancers or Basic Users | Price of Packages ($) |
SEO Audit Software | 19 |
SEOptimer | 19 |
MySiteAuditor | 39 |
SE Ranking | 39 |
WooRank | 69.99 |
WebCEO | 99 |
(Note: Prices are captured from the respective software)
This table shows the prices of beginner friendly packages of some white label SEO audit tools. Here we can see that SEO Audit Software and SEOptimer have the least cost for the package.
Again if we see the graphical data, which represents the packages’ prices for professionals,

(Note: Prices are captured from the respective software)
Image 10: Prices of professional packages of White label SEO audit tools
From this image, we can see,
- SEO Audit Software provides a very affordable price for professionals to get SEO services from it’s white label SEO audit tool.
- SEOptimer has the lowest cost for it’s white label SEO audit tool
Benefits of using SEO Audit Software for SEO professionals and agencies:
- Generates audits and reports instantly for any websites
- Provides easy configuration for the user as user’s choice
- Options for modifying logo, header and footer
- Audit generates analytical report for the user
- Audit finds out problems and suggest to fix them up
- Customized report for unlimited organisations
A part of white label SEO reporting generated by SEO Audit Software:

Image 11: Image auditing by SEO Audit Software
This image is a part of the analytical report done by white label SEO reporting tool of SEO Audit Software. The tool gave a white label SEO report on it’s agency’s website. The report shows the result of the available images auditing. From the image we can see,
- A satisfactory percentage of images have alt tag
- Very ignorable percentage of images have underscore
- Images contained keyword “SEO Audit Agency” in image name
These points decide that the position and technical algorithms of available images of the website is quite perfect to rank up among other websites. Also these complements help to have an overview of the potential of this website.
White label SEO audit tool is a very important tool for agencies and professionals who look for SEO services for optimizing their companies. White label SEO audit tools enhance the quality of presence online and maximize the potential of websites. Again, white label SEO reporting tools help to fix up the shortages of websites and help to arrange gated content for the websites. So suggestions for suitable white label SEO audit tools for SEO professionals, setting up a comprehensive guide to analyze and suggestions for some of the best white label SEO audit tools are the main target of this article.